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Trauma Rewired

Apr 24, 2023

In this episode we will be discussing the least understood, and most insidious four F’s in trauma response, fawn. 


This survival adaptation is difficult to pinpoint, because fawn can often be confused with empathy or general care, but if not dealt with, can get to a toxic level for the fawner. Neglecting yourself...

Apr 17, 2023

Have you been putting off sending that important email or having a difficult conversation? Thesecould be signs of freeze trauma response. Not taking action and procrastinating seems likeinnocent occurrences, because we all do it right? However, these can be seriously damaging to our lives and nervous systems.


Apr 10, 2023

“Living a life of growth and expansion is as simple as living in your nervous system.” - Jennifer

Arriving early, leaving late, overthinking, can’t sit still, breathing quickly, and always keeping
busy, are just a few examples of how the flight trauma response can manifest in our lives. This
response is...

Apr 3, 2023

It is our brain’s job to protect us against danger. Whether that is a real or perceived threat, the
brain will activate and will result in an action, or inaction. This isn’t the most effective way to be
protected for people who have experienced trauma, because that trauma is stored so deep in
our subconscious, that...