Jul 29, 2024
In a society that often equates our worth with productivity, focusing on rest and recovery can feel unsafe, potentially leading to increased stress in both our minds and bodies. By challenging the need to be constantly productive and redefining our relationship with rest, we can uncover a common theme: doing more...
Jul 22, 2024
Depression is one of the most researched mood
disorders, but if we look a bit deeper into how depression is able
to develop, it is more nuanced than we think. This means, treating
depression isn’t a one size fits all solution.
It is agreed upon that depression is a chemical imbalance and can
be treated with SSRIs or...
Jul 15, 2024
magine a flame that isn’t receiving adequate fuel, slowly dying down. This is a great visualization of what happens in the body when we are experiencing burnout. When we push past our capacity and boundaries, while doing things that may not be authentic or aligned with us, we are essentially burning through our...
Jul 12, 2024
As humans we rely on visual memory the most, but what if we told you that memories, especially memories that were formed before we had language, live primarily in our bodies. It’s safe to say, the body keeps score, more than we know.
It can be extremely dis-regulating to try to retrieve memories that live in the body...
Jul 8, 2024
Explore the intricate world of memory and trauma and delve into how generational trauma impacts our nervous system, behavior, and even our genes. Discover the fascinating science behind neuropeptides, epigenetics, and how your body stores and processes traumatic memories.
The hosts explore how generational trauma...